
If you would like to be a featured artist at Frame Depot below you will find the general rules:

  •   The following is required to be considered as one of our monthly artists.
  1. Artist info: Name, address, phone, Email address if available
  2. Preference of month to show, (we try to accommodate best as we can).
  3. Photos or CD of artists work, minimum of 6 images. Email submission will not be considered. An artist packet may be dropped off at Frame Depot or mailed to the above address. Please specify your preferred piece for advertising.
  • Your artwork must be approved as acceptable for hanging. We do ask that some of your pieces are fully framed. Some canvas can be gallery wrapped without frames. Additional pieces can be matted and poly bagged for display, the artist needs to provide display.
  • You must be able to fill wall space provided. An easel will be provided by Frame Depot for one additional framed piece.
  • We do a 65/35 split. You as the consignee receive 65% of your listed price. Your commission check is issued at the end of your show month.
  • It is the artist responsibility to hang their show and take it down. We will assist you as needed. Hanging materials are provided. Please bring art titles ready to hang on the wall.
  • An artist reception is given the first Saturday the show is up and the show stays up until the first Wednesday of the following month, as the next artist hangs on the first Thursday. If you would need to make other hanging or take down arrangements that may be possible.


  • An inventory list of the pieces you hang must be given to Frame Depot at the time you hang the show. This needs to have the title and price of each piece. This must be an accurate list so there are no discrepancies.
  • Months are given to artists by their preference and then by what is available or left to fill.  We MUST have from you an artist biography and at least 4-6 photos of your artwork Okayed for publication six weeks prior to your show hanging date.  Please specify which of the images you would like in the publicity.  If no preference is made, Frame Depot will make the decision for you. The six weeks prior to your show gives us time to publicize your event.  In addition to local media, we also e-mail your opening info to more than 500 customers as well as posting it on our website, facebook and twitter.


  • Frame Depot also provides an artist reception the first Saturday of your show from 1-4pm. Wine and other beverages are served and Light hors d’oeuvres are provided. We welcome the artist to bring something to add to the refreshments.  We have an art gallery permit so we will provide the wine per our permit.