Framing games is a great way to preserve family memories
It’s time for framing games!
We hope that you and your loved ones remained healthy during the Covid-19 pandemic. For some of you, the stay-at-home order was extra time to spend with your spouse and/or children. What did you do to keep yourself and everybody entertained? Did you put a puzzle together as a family project? Did you play board games or card games? Were you able to throw a frisbee around in the yard? Activities like these always create great family memories.
Did you know that framing games and puzzles is possible? In fact, it’s pretty fun. Board games, puzzles, cards, and even random game pieces lend themselves very well to a framed display, especially considering most of them have eye-catching design and a flat profile. What a great way to remember a happy memory in the midst of troubled times.
Board games
Don’t let anyone forget that you won the epic four-day Monopoly game by owning Indiana Ave! You can even include game pieces, cards, and money. Framing games can help keep your fun family memories alive, while adding some fun decor to your family room.

Puzzle time!
You did it! You finally finished that 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle you’ve been meaning to tackle for years. Such an effort needs to be rewarded. Frame it! (So that you won’t need to put it together again…)
There are special glues you can purchase that are specifically made for puzzles and will help keep them preserved for many years to come. If you have questions about this, we are happy to help with all your questions regarding framing games and puzzles.

Vintage games
Look what you found while you were cleaning closets! An old game you used to play with your siblings. It’s a little too worn now to be played, but by framing games you can bring back those old memories. Copy the rules and put them on the back or in a pocket on the back. You could even frame the rules and game pieces in a matching frame. If you’re at a loss for ideas, just bring your vintage game to Frame Depot and we can give you lots of ideas for displaying and preserving it.

Some fun game trivia
- In Monopoly, Jake the Jailbird is the guy behind bars and Officer Edgar Mallory sent him there.
- Chutes & Ladders, a game about Karma, was invented in India in the 2nd century. It was originally called Snakes & Ladders. The phrase “back to square one” originated in the game.
- The game of Clue was invented in 1947. Mr. Green was originally a reverend, but Parker Brothers objected to a reverend being suspected of murder, so he was changed to a businessman.
- The Game of Life was the first and only board game invented by Milton Bradley in 1860, although he singlehandedly launched the board game industry. Because using dice was associated with gambling, a six-sided top was used instead.